- A Common Bond (LGBTQ JW’s): http://gayxjw.org
- Belief Net: http://www.beliefnet.com
- Beth Jacob Synagogue: http://www.bethjacobsynagogue.ca
- Canadian Unitarian Council: http://www.cuc.ca
- Christ’s Church Cathedral: http://cathedralhamilton.ca
- Church of The Ascension: https://www.ascensionhamilton.com
- Desmond Tutu Peace Centre: http://www.tutu.org
- First Unitarian Church of Hamilton: https://uuhamilton.ca
- First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto: http://firstunitariantoronto.org
- Hamilton Downtown Mosque: https://downtownmosque.com/
- Hamilton Mosque: https://hamiltonmosque.com/
- Hamilton Pagan Pride Day: http://www.ppdhamilton.org
- Hooked On Holistic: https://www.hookedonholistics.com/
- Just The Essentials: https://justtheessentials.ca/
- Laidlaw Memorial United Church: https://www.laidlawchurch.ca/
- Llewellyn: http://www.llewellyn.com
- MacFie’s Wizard Shop: http://www.macfies.com
- Marshall Memorial United Church: https://www.mmuc.ca/
- MCC Church of Toronto: http://www.mcctoronto.com
- Mooncraft Market: https://www.mooncraftmarket.ca/
- Muslim Association of Hamilton: http://hamiltonmosque.com
- Mystic Mojo: https://www.mysticmojocanada.com/
- Obskurah Bazaar: https://www.obskurahbazaar.com/
- Phoenix Emporium: https://www.phoenixemporium.ca/
- Rev. Krista Taves: https://kristataves.wordpress.com/
- Rev. Sean Parker Dennison: http://revsean.wordpress.com
- Ryerson United Church (Ancaster): http://ryersonancaster.ca
- Sacred Realm: https://www.sacredrealms.ca/
- Simply Zen: https://simplyzen.ca/
- Stoney Creek United Church: https://stoneycreekunited.ca/
- St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church (Hamilton): http://www.stpatrickshamilton.ca
- St. Stephen On The Mount Church: https://ststephenonthemount.wixsite.com/ssotm
- Temple Anshe Shalom: https://anshesholom.ca/
- The Dalai Lama: http://www.dalailama.com
- The Small Medium at Large: https://www.thesmallmediumatlarge.com/
- The Witch’s Fix: https://www.thewitchsfix.com/
- Unitarian Universalist Association: http://www.uua.org
- Vision TV: http://www.visiontv.ca
- Westdale United Church: http://www.westdaleunited.ca
- White Flame Company: https://whiteflamecompany.com/
- Wonderworks: http://www.gowonderworks.com
- Woodland Beach Community Church: https://www.woodlandbeachchurch.ca/