- Adele: http://www.adele.tv
- Against Me: http://www.againstme.net
- Aimee Mann: http://aimeemann.com/
- Alanis Morisette: http://www.alanis.com
- Alexandre Desplat: http://www.alexandredesplat.net
- Alfie Smith and Nicole Christian: http://www.alfieandnicole.com
- Annie Lennox: http://www.annielennox.com
- Babbage Industries: https://www.facebook.com/Babbage-Industries-255930267899375/
- Barbra Streisand: http://www.barbrastreisand.com
- Bear McCreary: http://www.bearmccreary.com
- Beatles: http://www.thebeatles.com
- Beyoncé: http://www.beyonce.com/
- Bird York: http://www.birdyork.com
- Bob Dylan: http://www.bobdylan.com
- Boris Brott Music Festival: http://www.brottmusic.com
- Brian Tate: http://briantatemusic.com/
- Brother Sun: http://www.brothersunmusic.com
- Bruno Mars: http://www.brunomars.com
- Catherine North Recording Studio: http://catherinenorth.com
- Coldplay: http://www.coldplay.com
- Common: http://thinkcommon.com
- Cyndi Lauper: http://cyndilauper.com
- Damien Rice: http://www.damienrice.com
- David Bowie: http://www.davidbowie.com/
- Diana Panton: http://www.dianapanton.com
- Dixie Chicks: http://www.dixiechicks.com
- Edith Piaf: http://www.little-sparrow.co.uk
- Enya: http://enya.com/
- Florence + The Machine: http://florenceandthemachine.net/
- Gary Jules: http://www.garyjules.com
- George Michael: http://www.georgemichael.com
- Ghostlight Records: https://www.ghostlightrecords.com
- Glenn Yarbrough: http://www.glennyarbroughsinger.com
- Gloria Gaynor: http://www.gloriagaynor.com
- Grant Avenue Studio: http://www.grantavenuestudio.com/home.cfm
- Howard Shore: http://www.howardshore.com
- Hozier: http://hozier.com
- Hugh’s Room: https://hughsroomlive.com
- Jane Siberry: http://www.janesiberry.com
- Janelle Monae: https://www.jmonae.com
- Jeff Giles: http://jeffgiles.squarespace.com/
- Jerry Herman: http://www.jerryherman.com
- Joni Mitchell: http://jonimitchell.com
- John Barrowman: http://www.johnbarrowman.com
- John Legend: http://www.johnlegend.com
- John Williams: http://www.johnwilliams.org
- Juno Awards: https://junoawards.ca
- Judith Hayman: http://www.hotelhayman.ca
- Kathy Thompson: http://www.purevoicepower.ca
- Katy Perry: http://www.katyperry.com
- KD Lang: http://www.kdlang.com
- Lady Gaga: http://www.ladygaga.com
- Leonard Cohen: https://www.leonardcohen.com
- Lionel Ritchie: http://lionelrichie.com
- Lisa Hannigan: http://lisahannigan.ie
- Lisa Winn: http://www.lisawinn.com
- Lizzo: https://www.lizzomusic.com
- Long & McQuade: http://www.long-mcquade.com
- Locke Street Festival: http://lockefestival.ca
- Loreena McKennitt: http://loreenamckennitt.com
- Madonna: http://www.madonna.com
- Margaret Bárdos: http://www.margaretbardos.ca
- Mavis Staples: https://mavisstaples.com
- Mayor McCa: http://sphericalproductions.ca/ca-smith-aka-mayor-mcca
- Myke Hutchings: https://mykehutchings.bandcamp.com/
- Nina Simone: http://www.ninasimone.com
- Peter Gabriel: http://petergabriel.com
- Phil Collins: http://philcollins.com
- Philip Glass: http://www.philipglass.com
- Amanda Palmer: http://amandapalmer.net
- P!nk: http://www.pinkspage.com
- PS Classics: http://www.psclassics.com
- Queen: http://www.queenonline.com
- Remenyi House of Music: http://www.remenyi.com/home.aspx
- Scala & Kolacny Brothers: http://www.scalachoir.com
- Sharron Matthews: http://sharronmatthews.com
- Sia: http://siamusic.net
- Spirit of The West: http://sotw.ca
- Stan Rogers: http://www.stanrogers.net
- Stephen Sondheim: http://www.sondheimguide.com
- Sting: http://www.sting.com
- Studio J: http://www.studioj.org
- Supercrawl: http://supercrawl.ca
- The Strombo Show: http://strombo.com/radio/
- This Ain’t Hollywood: http://www.thisainthollywood.ca
- Tom Schilling: http://www.vocalway.com
- Tracy Chapman: http://www.tracychapman.com
- U2: https://www.u2.com
- Wax Mannequin: http://waxmannequin.com/
- Whitney Houston: http://www.whitneyhouston.com/ca/home