- Aberdeen Tavern: http://theaberdeen.ca
- Ancaster Mill: http://ancastermill.ca
- Backyard Harvest: http://backyardharvest.ca
- Bangkok Spoon: http://www.bangkokspoon.com
- Bardo: https://bardorestaurants.ca/
- Caro: https://www.carorestaurant.com
- Charred: http://charred.ca
- Chocolate Barr’s Candies Inc.: http://www.chocolatebarrs.com
- Denninger’s Foods of The World: http://www.denningers.com
- The Express Italian Eatery: http://www.expressrestaurant.com
- Frobisher Inn: https://www.frobisherinn.com
- Gameopolis: http://www.gameopolis.ca
- Goodness Me!: http://www.goodnessme.ca
- Greaves Jams and Marmalades: http://www.greavesjams.com
- Hambrgr: https://www.hambrgr.ca
- Harbour Diner: http://www.harbourdiner.com
- Indian Village: https://indiavillage.ca
- Kamoosh Bistro: http://www.kamooshbistro.com
- Kurtz Orchards: http://www.kurtzorchards.com
- La Luna: http://laluna.co/
- Martello: https://www.martellorestaurant.ca/
- MRKTBOX: https://shop.mrktbox.com/
- Niagara On The Lake Golf Club: http://notlgolf.com/dining/
- Old Spaghetti Factory: http://www.oldspaghettifactory.net
- Olde Angel Inn: http://www.angel-inn.com
- Pazzo: http://pazzo.ca
- Pepperwood: http://www.pepperwood.on.ca
- Picard’s Peanuts: http://www.picardspeanuts.ca
- PHO Lac Vien: http://www.pholacvien.ca
- Picone Fine Food: http://piconefinefood.ca
- Purdys Chocolatier: http://www.purdys.com/
- Raja: http://rajastratford.ca
- Red Lobster: http://www.redlobster.ca
- Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory: https://www.rmcf.com/
- Shehnai Restaurant: http://shehnairestaurant.ca
- Sotiris: http://www.sotiris-restaurant.com
- Spring Grill House: http://www.springgrillhouse.com
- Undefined: https://eatundefined.com/
- Valentinos: http://valentinosrestaurant.ca
- Victoria’s: https://victoriasrestaurant.ca
- Walker’s Chocolates: http://www.walkerschocolates.ca
- Weil’s of Westdale: http://www.weilsbakery.com
- Zarky’s Fine Foods: http://www.zarkys.com